The Amityville Horror

The real house where the Amityville murders took place in 1974 can be found in Amityville, New York. On November 13, 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. killed six of his family members inside the home. He was convicted of the murders and died in custody in March 2021. In December 1975, George and Kathy Lutz purchased the home, leaving less than a month later, claiming they experienced paranormal activity, although the truthfulness of their claim has been widely disputed. Their story was made into a book by Jay Anson in 1977 and began a series of film adaptations in 1979. The original address of the home was 112 Ocean Ave, but like many famous true crime homes, the address has since been changed, to 108 Ocean Ave. While the home has since been remodeled some, it still maintains many features of how it appeared in famous photographs from the 1970s.

LOCATION: Formerly 112 Ocean Ave, Amityville, NY 11701 (now defunct), changed to 108 Ocean Ave, Amityville, NY 11701

For the 1979 film “The Amityville Horror,” initial attempts to film in the real town of Amityville, New York proved unsuccessful, after the town denied permission to film any scenes there, in an ongoing effort to distance themselves from further infamy. Instead, a similar looking home in New Jersey was chosen. Today in Amityville, there are “no stopping or standing” signs throughout the neighborhood, which has a reputation for not always being hospitable to tourists.

If you do visit the home, be aware that any illegal parking is strictly enforced. The home is part of one of the most infamous American crime cases in modern history and remains a major attraction to true crime and paranormal enthusiasts. However, the town clearly prefers to distance itself from the notoriety, which should be kept in mind if you plan to visit.

Related articles: The Amityville Horror (1979)

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